On January 5, eight members of the MoBCI Steering Committee attended the annual National Wild Turkey Federation’s award banquet at Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach. MoBCI received one of the NWTF’s more important annual awards for partners. The 10 year initiative, Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt. establishes “high bar” achievement goals that help drive fundraising efforts and mission delivery. The Save the Habitat award is presented to an agency or organization that has been instrumental in helping NWTF achieve the conserved acreage goals. The overall goal nationally is to conserve 4 million acres over the 10 years. Missouri’s part of this significant goal is 400,000 acres and partners like MoBCI have NWTF on track to meet or exceed this goal. The NWTF has taken advantage of the grants program to expand their influence in the Missouri-Iowa Oaks focal landscape. Since 2009, MoBCI has helped leverage NWTF’s dollars more than 4:1 that was used to restore over 2,800 acres of open woodland habitat on private land in northeast Missouri. The award is a beautiful handmade turkey call box. We proudly accepted this award and remain grateful that MoBCI dollars have helped restore so many acres of the NWTF focal area.