MoBCI Foundation

Missouri Bird Conservation Initiative Foundation

A. Financial management of MoBCI will be accomplished through the MoBCI Foundation, Inc.a not-for-profit 501((c) 3) corporation, formed specifically for MoBCI contracting and
funds administration. The Foundation’s sole purpose is to work in support of MoBCI at
the direction of the MoBCI Steering Committee.

B. The MoBCI Foundation will be led by MoBCI’s non-governmental members who will serve as a Board of Directors for the MoBCI Foundation. Governmental members of the MoBCI Steering Committee are ineligible to serve on the MoBCI Foundation Board of Directors.

C. Officers of the MoBCI Foundation will include a President, Vice President, Secretary-
Treasurer and Board Members in numbers designated by the MoBCI Steering Committee. MoBCI Foundation Officers and Board Members will serve 2 year terms and may be
reappointed by the MoBCI Steering Committee.

MoBCI Foundation Officers:

Wayne Morton, President
Missouri Prairie Foundation
4950 Northeast 501 Rd.
Osceola, MO 64776
Res: 417-646-2450
Office: 417-646-8123

Ted Cooper, Vice-President
Ruffed Grouse Society
1132 Eagle Creek Road
Wildwood, MO 63005

David Erickson, Treasurer
Missouri Bird Conservation Initiative Foundation
PMB 122
2101 West Broadway
Columbia, MO 65203

© 2003–2025 Missouri Bird Conservation Initiative