2019 MoBCI Annual Conference

August 23–24, 2019 • Columbia, Missouri
Peachtree Catering & Banquet Center


Birds of a Feather: Bird conservation in Missouri then, now, and into the future

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Friday, August 23

5:00 pm Registration
6:00 pm–
7:30 pm
Social time, with heavy hors d’ oeuvres
7:30 pm–8:00 pm Welcoming remarks/housekeeping.
(John Burk)

Open Silent Auction

8:00 pm–9:00 pm Keynote speakers:
Dr. Susan Flader (retired University of Missouri Professor Emerita of American Western and Environmental History, Vice President at L-A-D Foundation, past president and current board member of the Missouri Parks Association).

Dr. Flader will present on the history and positive progression of conservation in Missouri.

9:00 pm–
10:00 pm
Continue Social

Saturday, August 24

7:15 am Coffee/tea for conference registrants
8:00 am–8:40 am Welcome and highlights of the year. General Assembly Meeting. (Allison Vaughn: Chair, MoBCI Steering Committee)
9:00 am–10:15 am 3, 20-Minute presentations on recent research:

Northeast Missouri Turkey Research: Jason Isabelle,Cervid Program Supervisor,Missouri Department of Conservation

Whip-poor-will Surveys in the Eastern Ozarks: Frank Thompson,Wildlife Research Biologist, U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station

Evidence Supporting Growing Concern for Neonicotinoid Pesticides: Doreen Mengel,Environmental Resource Scientist, MDC

10:15 am–10:30 am Project poster session and break
10:30 am–11:30 am 3, 20-Minute presentations on bird management challenges:

Changes in Land-use Dynamics and their Impact on Short- and Long-term Waterfowl Populations: Dale Humburg, Retired Senior Science Advisor, Ducks Unlimited

The Farm Bill and Its Importance to Wildlife Conservation: Lisa Potter Private Lands Program Supervisor, MDC

2019 Flooding and the Impact on Wetland Management: Frank Nelson, Environmental Resource Scientist, MDC

11:30 pm–12:30 pm Lunch with presentation:

My Big Year in 2018: Brad Jacobs, retired MDC Ornithologist

12:30pm– 2:00 pm 3, 20-Minute presentations on bird conservation planning efforts.

Audubon Society of Missouri’s Role in Missouri Bird Conservation: Bill Eddlemann,President, Audubon Society of Missouri

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bird Conservation Efforts and North American Wetland Management Plan update: Kelly Srigley-Werner, Missouri State Private Lands Coordinator, USFWS

Missouri Bird Conservation Plan and brief moderated interactive session following: Sarah Kendrick, Ornithologist, MDC

2:00 pm–
3:00 pm
Moderated interactive session

Audience discusses issues covered during the conference and provides next steps to be considered by the organization. (Moderated by Gene Gardner)

3:00 pm–
3:30 pm
Allison Vaughn and Sarah Kendrick

Wrap-up and closing comments: Summarize ways we can make a difference for birds


Peachtree Catering & Banquet
Peachtree Plaza #D
120 East Nifong Boulvard
Columbia, Missouri

The simplest way to reach Peachtree Catering is to take the westbound Grindstone Parkway/AC Road exit off Highway 63. Follow Grindstone west across Providence Road (Hwy 163) where it becomes E. Nifong Boulevard. Make a left on Monterey Drive. Peachtree Catering is the very last unit at the southeast end of Peachtree Plaza.


Peachree Catering does not have overnight accommodations so the conference attendees are encouraged to book their own rooms, in advance, at a facility of their choice. Columbia has a wide selection of hotels and motels within a short distance of the Peachtree.

© 2003–2025 Missouri Bird Conservation Initiative